Monday, 7 January 2013


Distance from the Country Soil increase love

It has become a common fact about Pakistanis that when they leave Pakistan to settle down in abroad, their love for Pakistan increase, and they become more patriotic as they used to be. Some distance away from  their country make them to remember their own country. These peoples do their best in telling all the positive sides of their country to foreign peoples.

             But as in  these days, terrorist and vulnerable activities have increased in the whole Pakistan especially in Karachi. Through advanced electronic media these news reach to other countries peoples and it leads foreign people to think negatively about Pakistan.  But the Pakistanis living there don’t lose their love and patriotism and they still try to convince foreigners about the actual circumstances of the country, which are not bad at all. They love Pakistan more than the people living in it.
            These all bad circumstances of the country don’t cause foreign Pakistanis to hate their country, although their love and patriotism increases upto the next upper level.